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click any of these for more info, ideas, details!


Due march 14 , 2023
$30K scholarship

Agri-Culture contest image.JPG

$150 Prizes in 6 categories
DUE dec 5,2019 to teacher

Past Winners
Sargent Art Logo.jpg

$1500 Cash prize

due may 15, 2020

Scholastic Art Awards.JPG

TO teacher by dec 16, 2019 

Blick Mixed Media contest.jpg

Due April , 2020

  blick $3000 prizes       

click any of these for more info, ideas, details!

Celebrate the West.JPG
Celebrate the WEST 2019 Vail WGA.JPG

April 30, 2020

  Cash prizes





Due april 30, 2020

   $10K & other cash

click any of these for more info, ideas, details!

Screen Shot 2021-10-26 at 6.07.15 AM.png
Colorado Flag.PNG
Screen Shot 2021-10-26 at 6.17.18 AM.png

Due to your teacher by  Nov 3, 2021
$500 prize

Media for Flag Art.PNG

click any of these for more info, ideas, details!

Submit by Oct 30.PNG

$300 prize

Art Displayed at MCA Denver!

paper sizes MCA Denver Art Show Teen.PNG
Media MCA Denver Teen Art.PNG
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